Welcome Back

You’ll enjoy that we run on time! The doctor appreciates that your time is valuable and you can depend on us to be there for you when you arrive.


Spinal problems can be complicated and our office takes the time to make sure you know what we have found. You will watch a brief video explaining the spine and the nervous system. This will also help you understand what you will be seeing on your x-rays if x-rays were taken.


You will have plenty of time to ask any and all questions that you may have regarding your health. The more you know about your health condition, the better choices you will make and the faster you can recover.


Our doctors will discuss with you their best options for care. They will also discuss other types of care that may be available to you for your particular condition.


After you are fully educated about your particular condition, Our doctors will be prepared to provide immediate relief care so you may begin to get better right away!

If a program of care is recommended, a schedule of care will be discussed as well as the cost of your care. We have several options for payment which can be discussed with you at this time. Your entire second visit will last about 45 minutes.

Take a look to see what to expect during your regular visits.