You’ll Be Warmly Welcomed As Family

If you’ve ever gone to a social event where you didn’t know anyone, you know how uncomfortable that can make you feel. Our goal is to eliminate every shred of apprehension and make you feel at home.

Since chiropractic care involves a series of visits, with each one building on the ones before, it’s important that our relationship can go the distance.

We’ve found that one of the best ways to have successful patient relationships is to explain everything in advance. No surprises!

And all new patients receive a free consultation!
Call us today to learn more. (503) 291-1212

Welcome to Chiropractic Art & Science

Upon entering Chiropractic Art & Science, you’ll notice that “it just feels right”. The soft colors of our office will immediately make you feel welcome. You’ll also find that we already know you by name.

We have made your intake process very easy. Please click on the Intake Forms link below to tell us about you and your health concerns. This link works whether you’re on a computer, smart phone, iPad, or other tablet. Your information will be securely sent to our office saving you time on your first visit.

Plan to spend about an hour with us on your first visit so you can get to know our chiropractors and they can complete a comprehensive evaluation.

What to Expect

Tour our Office & Meet the Team

You will get a tour of our office so you can feel comfortable and right at home. Our open space is beautiful, warm and welcoming. One of our friendly Beaverton chiropractors will greet you and spend important time getting to know exactly what your health concerns are.

Comprehensive Evaluation

Your chiropractor will explain what is necessary to find out the cause of your concerns and recommend the appropriate tests:

  •  Muscle Tension: An sEMG (surface electomyograph) will be performed. This takes only 30 seconds and it will show us if your spinal muscles are out of balance. It is completely painless.
  •  Posture: Digital photographs of your posture will be taken. We use an iPad to take the photos (because we have an app for that!) You will receive a printout of the posture examination.
  •  Balance: Standing on two scales will tell us if your posture places more stress on one side of your body.
  •  Spinal Exam: Your chiropractor will evaluate the movement, flexibility, alignment and function of each of your spinal bones. This examination will help him determine how your spine and nervous system is involved with your health concern.
  •  Orthopedic & Neurological Tests: Your chiropractor will perform any necessary tests such as reflexes, sensation tests, and muscle testing so he can establish the correct diagnosis.
  •  X-Rays: If x-rays are necessary, they can be done right on site. X-rays can show any evidence of arthritis, posture stress, abnormal spinal development and other pathologies.


At the conclusion of your first visit, Your chiropractor may provide relief care and home instructions. If x-rays were taken, he may recommend you return the next day after he has fully reviewed the results before rendering care.

Before leaving our office, your second visit will be scheduled so we may fully review with you the results of your examination and your options for care.

Take a look to see what to expect during your second visit.